Sunday, October 16, 2011

Shared Sacrifice

In this current era of racing to the bottom I have to ask why Bristol Bay thinks it is better than the rest of us.  We citizens in the lower 48 states have dammed, logged, developed, and mined every last one of our salmon and steelhead rivers.  Even our most protected rivers have been seriously degraded.

Why should Alaska be any different?  Come out of the 1800's and embrace fishing over 1-5% of historic salmon and steelhead numbers.  You too can enjoy the spoils of modern technological resource extraction and the smaller numbers of fish.  You will enjoy the additional challenges that come with tiny run sizes.  How hard is it to catch fish that number in the millions?  Try catching one when the run size is in the tens of thousands or hundreds.  That's a real challenge.

It is time to bring Alaska into the 21st Century.  That means degraded watersheds and less fish and wildlife.  After Pebble Mine and it's jobs are gone there will still be plenty of employment opportunities.  There will be jobs in cleanup, environmental restoration, and hatcheries. 

Embrace the environmental disaster that is Pebble Mine and join your fellow citizens in destroying the finest salmon producing rivers in the World.  Sacrifice the good of the many for the good of a the few.  It is the American way.

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